The master disk on IDE primary controller is named /dev/hda. The slave disk on IDE primary controller is named /dev/hdb. The master and slave disks of the secondary controller can be called /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd, respectively. Newer IDE controllers can actually have two channels, effectively acting like two controllers.
Linux is an open-source operating system is used worldwide on many desktops, servers, gaming purpose, and latest you can find Linux as Touch operating system in Galaxy Nexus Smartphone which is a Linux based Android Device. The main reason Linux is much loved is that it provides great security and stability, less expensive than other software, protects privacy and user control over their own hardware. This is the reason, why we have created this article having the list of best Code Editors & IDE for Linux in 2020.
- Nov 29, 2016 Delphi is the ultimate IDE for creating cross-platform, natively compiled apps. Are you ready to design the best UIs of your life? Our award winning VCL framework for Windows and FireMonkey (FMX) visual framework for cross-platform UIs provide you with the foundation for intuitive, beautiful.
- Dev-C is a full-featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the C/C programming language. It uses Mingw port of GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) as its compiler.
- Jul 31, 2019 QtCreator is a fine C IDE for most people. If possible, you can use CMake as build tool. I don’t use Eclipse as C IDE, but I was told by my colleagues that Eclipse crashed too often on Linux. For hardcore geeks, Emacs is certainly the best.
Linux is everywhere and it has great benefits for programmers in Linux. If you love Linux programming you can really have a good career in system administration and learning Linux can sure shot land you with a good job title in the market. You can also refer to one of my post “8 Best Resources on Books & eBooks for Linux” to help you start learning Linux.
As we all know that Programming is all about typing and typing. And our programmers constantly keep on searching and worrying about text editors to help them in their coding. At this point, knowing some of Best Ide’s comes in handy, to save your time and mental efforts. Many programmers learn to code by using a text editor, but in time they move towards using an IDE as it makes the art of coding efficient and quicker.
Read More: Best C/C++ IDEs & Editors for Linux Revealed!
To provide a sharpness into the quality of software that is available, I have collected a list of 10 highly polished IDE for Linux. Probably, there will be something of interest here for anyone who wants to quicken the pace of web development.
1. eclipse
The free, open-source editor made for heavy Java development.
Languages supported: Java, C, C++, PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby and more.
• Multi-language support
• A lot of plug-ins for extended capabilities
• Great tools for JEE projects
• Eclipse Java Development Tools
• Plugin Development Environment
• Git Team Provider
• JUnit integration
2. 2) bluefish
It is a free and open-source development project targeted towards web developers and programmers.
Languages supported: ASP .NET, C/C++, CSS, HTML5, JavaScript and jQuery, Java, Pearl, PHP, Ruby, SQL, WordPress, and XML.
• Fast and clean
• Lightweight
• Multi-threaded support
• Unlimited undo/redo
• Many tools
• Auto-recovery of changes after shut down or crash
• Bookmarks functionality
• Very powerful search and replace
3. NetBeans
Free and open-source IDE from Sun Microsystems
Languages supported: Java, Python, C/C++, Ruby, PHP, JavaScript, etc.
• Drag-and-drop interface
• Cross-platform
• Dynamic and static libraries
• Multi-session GNU debugger integration
• Refactoring’s in Editor, Class View and Navigator
• Qt Toolkit support
• Flexible Run and Debug commands
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4. zend Studio
Developers of PHP use Zend for faster coding, resolving issues easily and to integrate freely inside the cloud. It has a power pack of tools such as Zend Studio, PHP Unit and Composer which forms a one-stop-shop for mobile app developers and PHP developers.
Languages supported: PHP, HTML, Javascript
• Plenty of database support
• Real-time error detection
• Code refactoring,
• (S)FTP
• Source code control options.
• Local and server debugging

5. Komodo IDE
Komodo is an award winning IDE Built in Mozilla project.
Languages supported: PHP, Python, HTML, RHTML, Perl, C/C++, CSS, Ruby, JavaScript, XML, Django etc.
• Cross-Platform
• Code profiling for PHP and Python
• Graphical debugging for PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python, Node.js
• Advanced editing features with multi-window and split-view editing
• Multiple add-ons
• Customization options
• Debug and deploy to the cloud with Stackato PaaS
• Goodwill: FREE
• Educational: FREE
• Personal: $89>
• Enterprise: $295
• Students: $100
6. Anjuta
A versatile studio comprising a number of advanced facilities including application wizard, source editor, project management, version control, profiler, interactive debugger, GUI designer and many more tools. It focuses on providing simple user interface, yet powerful for systematic development.
Languages supported: C and C++.
• Simple user interface
• Project wizards and templates
• Many supported languages
• Integrated Glade
• Integrated DevHelp
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7. MonoDevelop
This IDE is primarily designed for C# and other .NET languages which allows developers to quickly write desktop and ASP.NET Web apps on Linux. It is a cross-platform software that makes it easy for developers to extract .NET apps created with Visual Studio to Linux without losing its original coding.
Languages Supported: VB, Java, C/C++, C#, Python
• Modifiable workspace as per your convenient workflow
• Integrated debugger native apps
• Visual Designer
• Deployment and Unit testing
• Power-packed add-in engine
• Object-oriented API
• External tools to increase capabilities in development
8. CodeLite
An Open-Source, Free, cross-platform for C+ and C++ programmers.
Languages Supported: C and C++
• Built-in support for GCC/clang/VC++/GDB
• GIT plug-ins
• RAD Tool for wxWidgets
• Syntax highlighting support for different languages
• 2 code completion engines running simultaneously
• Local’s threads view, tree and memory view

9. KDevelop
It is an extensible and full-fledged IDE for C/C++ PHP and Ruby. However its new version is under development, and most of the GUI developers have started using Qt-Creator but still there are many fans of this IDE.
Languages supported: C/C++, PHP and Ruby.
• Cross-Platform
• Used for KDE/QT development
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10. Geany
Although it has all of the basic features of an IDE, Geany is a text editor which works on GTK2 library. It was designed specifically to provide a fast and small IDE, and it needs only the GTK2 libraries to remain independent from Desktop Environments
Languages Supported: Java, HTML PHP, C, Perl, Python, Pascal
Key Features:
• Auto-closing for XML and HTML tags
• Code navigation
• Multiplatform
• Create custom plugins
• Syntax highlighting and code folding
• Simple project management
• Ships with 6 plugins, with many others available
• Call tips and Symbol lists
A good IDE helps developers to build maintainable and error-free applications quicker than by using console-based tools and editor. As there is a large number of IDE for Linux available, selecting the best IDE for Linux can be a challenging task.
I guess I haven’t missed out on your favorite IDE for Linux in my post. If so, please let me know for it or do comment for IDE’s you use.
For Further Reading:
Read More: Best C/C++ IDEs & Editors for Linux Revealed!
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Big projects are difficult to manage on mere text editors. You're likely to be more productive and less frustrated if you use an IDE in such cases. There are various types of IDE's and you should select the right one which fits your needs. There is no single best IDE for C++ on Linux. You must choose your tool wisely. Here is a list of popular and IMO best IDEs for Linux.
Unix Commands
- Netbeans for C/C++ Development − Netbeans is a free, open-source and popular cross-platform IDE for C/C++ and many other programming languages. Its fully extensible using community developed plugins.
- Eclipse CDT(C/C++ Development Tooling)− Just like NetBeans, it is also a free, open-source and popular cross-platform IDE for C/C++ and many other programming languages. Its fully extensible using community developed plugins.
- VS Code − VS Code is not an IDE but a text editor. But by installing a few plugins, you can turn it into a full-fledged IDE for C/C++. It is built by Microsoft and is the fully open source. It also has a huge community around it.
- CLion − CLion is an IDE from JetBrains, the minds behind intellisense. This is also a multiplatform IDE with commercial support available.
- Code::Blocks − It is a free, highly extensible and configurable, cross-platform C++ IDE built to offer users the most demanded and ideal features. You can extend its functionality by using plugins developed by users, some of the plugins are part of Code::Blocks.
- CodeLite IDE − CodeLite is also a free, open-source, cross-platform IDE designed and built specifically for C/C++, JavaScript (Node.js) and PHP programming.