I've created a program which calculates points which belong to a specific graph, such as Archimedes spiral, Logarithmic spiral, Cardioid etc. The program generates an array with coordinates. Technically coordinates are polar, but I can convert them to cartesian by using polar() function.
Question is - how do i draw points if I know their polar OR cartesian coordinates (either one works)? I have Borland 5.02 and Dev C++ (latest release) at the moment.

Hi all, I am using Visual C 2008 Express Edition. I want to plot a simple X-Y graph in my form (or another form is also OK). I tried serval library/control which searched here, such as High-speed Charting Control, Plot Graphic Library, plplot and some other tools. Jul 01, 2013 Plotting 2D and 3D. Hi, I'm a beginner to c. I need to plot 3D and 2D plots from my c program. Please share me the libraries which are more easier to use. I don't want 100 lines for codes for making a single plot. Because I have lot to plot. So that I'm preferring an easiest and understandable one. Please help me guys.
I can't do this on my Borland compiler because it does not support BGI. I was told OpenGL would work, but it seems like something too big for me to handle. I've installed Dev C++, but it lacked graphics.h library. I installed it separately, according to a guide, but it still does not work.
All in all, I'm stuck. Spent whole yesterday on this, and I haven't made progress..
Any help is appreciated.

Plot Graph In Dev C Template
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'>Here is one way to do it. You might want to install VC++ 2010 Express or Code::Blocks instead of using Dev-C++.